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Welcome to Our

Med Spa

We provide the finest skin care treatments that are carefully selected for proven results. With both science and nature we have been able to bring you effective, high-quality products to help you with your skin care needs. New technologies and a broad array of formulas offer full protection from UVA and UVB radiation.

Cool Sculpting

The world's #1 non-invasive fat-reduction procedure


Effortlessly tighter, smoother, and younger-looking skin

IPL Rejuvination

Get smoother skin without the downtime!


Highly focused Electro-Magnetic technology

We all want flawless skin. However, some of us believe we don’t have the time to dedicate to a proper skincare routine. Instead, we may rely on using an abundance of makeup to cover up problem areas. Of course, this is just a “band-aid” that doesn’t address underlying skin concerns.

Sometimes, hearing about long and complicated 10-step skincare routines can be intimidating, but you don’t need to dedicate yourself to such a thorough routine to get good results.

Not only do you NOT have to use 10 steps and as many products to achieve the best skin of your life, you can find skin success by keeping your routine simple with Image Skincare.

Contact Samantha for a consultation (480) 243-2419 


Vivier is an innovative skin care brand with over 20 years of history in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Manufactured with care in North America, we are held to the highest pharmaceutical production standards. 

Our vision is to create the world’s best skin care products through ingenious innovation, science and technology to deliver The Beauty of Results®.

Contact Tamera or Victoria for a consultation.

Open Hours

Welcome to the best med spa! We are happy to help you!

  • Mon-Thu: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Fri-Sun: Closed

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Let us help you recreate yourself!

Full Body Fractional Treatment


Enhance your skin & build collagen

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production of the underlying layers of the dermis. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, tissues of the face and body can be remodeled to reveal a more radiant youthful appearance.

What areas an be treated?

Morpheus8 can be used on any area that can benefit from resurfacing and subdermal renewal. The most commonly treated areas include the face, periorbital area, abdomen, thighs, legs, and buttocks.

How many sessions are recommended?

Your practitioner will recommend the optimal number of sessions to be performed based on your personal objectives. Treatment time and frequency will be specifically tailored to obtain the optimal result.

What is the benefit of fractionated energy?

Radiofrequency (RF) energy is a scientifically proven method to remodel and rebuild collagen. It is minimally invasive, using a matrix of micro pins to renew the deeper layers of the skin with almost no patient downtime.

Can anyone use Morpheus8?

The benefit of Morpheus8’s color blind technology is that it can be used on all skin types. The unique properties allow even darker tones to be treated.

Can this be used in combination with other treatments?

Yes, Morpheus8 can be used in the same treatment session, or a few days after other treatments. Morpheus8 can also be combined with other InMode energy treatments or injectables to achieve more extensive results.

When can I put make-up on after treatment?

Since patient downtime is minimal, makeup can be applied 1 to 2 days after treatment. Patients should expect to see micro lesions a few days after treatment and slight redness depending on treatment parameters.

What kind of post-procedure care is required?

 Patients should moisturize the treatment area and avoid direct sun exposure. It is also recommended that patients use a broad spectrum sunscreen every day. In addition to reducing the risk of skin cancer, sunscreens also slow the aging process.

Proven Results


The Science of CoolSculpting

What is stubborn fat?

  • The number of fat cells is set during childhood and adolescence and varies little during adulthood.
  • Some individuals may have stubborn pockets of fat that are more difficult to reduce despite diet and exercise.

These stubborn pockets may vary greatly from person to person, because we all carry fat in different areas of our bodies.

Farewell treated fat cells.

It’s technical name is cryolipolysis, which is just a science-y way to say fat freezing. Our experts spent years developing the treatment, which features one-of-a-kind technology that quite literally freezes and kills fat cells.

Proven science and real results.

CoolSculpting’s fat-freezing technology gives long-term results that make trouble spots a lot less troubling.* Fat cells don’t like the cold and at a certain temperature they will freeze. Once that happens, your body will naturally eliminate the dead cells in 1-3 months or more, resulting in up to 20%-25% reduction of fat in a treated area

Ready to take the next step?

For individuals with healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle, cryolipolysis is a safe and effective way to reduce excess fat. CoolSculpting® is not a weight loss treatment. CoolSculpting® is for patients at or near their ideal body weight who want to reduce fat in one or more of the 9-FDA cleared treatment areas.

High Intensity


SculptME uses High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic technology. A single session causes thousands of powerful contractions that strengthens and tones your muscles!

Average Results

Course Treatment:

Two 30 min session/week

For 2 consecutive weeks

19% reduction of Fat

16% increase in muscle mass

1.5 inches loss in waistline circumference

5 x increase in fat metabolism

HIFEM Technology

Using High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) technology, Sculpt ME induces intense (safe & comfortable) muscle contractions not achievable through exercise. During normal voluntary muscle contractions, the muscle fibers relax between each nervous stimulus. Sculpt ME generates impulses at a rapid frequency that does not allow a relaxation phase. The Sculpt ME contractions cause an enhanced adrenaline release, which triggers an intensive lipolysis response in fat cells. When exposed to these contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt, responding with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and fat burning.

Multifunction Treatment

Venus Versa

Diamond polar skin tightening

Skin tightening

Sagging skin can be hard to deal with, especially since it cannot be easily targeted with diet and exercise alone. Wherever you find it—over the cheekbones, around your chin, under your arms, or along your waistline—loose skin is a struggle. In the past, surgical procedures or injectables have been the go-to solution for skin tightening. Fortunately, that isn’t the case anymore.

Non-surgical radio frequency treatments rejuvenate the appearance of skin by safely and comfortably heating the tissue under the skin’s surface. This triggers the natural production of collagen and elastin, the key building blocks of healthy, youthful skin. The result is effortlessly tighter, smoother, and younger-looking skin

Diamond Polar Features:

Advanced radio frequency technology that safely delivers tighter, smoother skin
Technology that is safe for all skin tones
Comfortable treatments with no downtime
Quick treatment sessions last no more than 30 minutes

Octopolar for body contouring

Body Contouring Treatments

If you’re eating well and exercising, but still not seeing the results you want, you’re not alone. Even with a diet and workout plan, many people still struggle with lax skin and lack of shape. You don’t need to resort to costly or painful surgeries to get the body you want. There’s an easier way.

Get one step closer to the figure you’ve always dreamed of with non-surgical body slimming treatments. They use advanced technology to safely and comfortably deliver energy below the skin’s surface, where it works to tighten skin and reduce circumference*. The result is a slimmer figure with a more defined shape. Today’s treatments can target both smaller, hard-to-hit areas like the arms and jawline, and larger, more common problem areas like the abdomen and thigh

Octopolar Features:

Technology that is safe for all skin tones
Comfortable treatments with no downtime
Treatments last no more than 30 minutes each

Skin Resurfacing

If you’re one of many people who are bothered by their uneven skin texture—be it scars, wrinkles, enlarged pores, or stretch marks—the solution is easier than you’d think. Stop worrying about covering up old acne scars or stressing over the deep-set wrinkles that make you look older than you really are. It’s time to take the first step toward celebrating your skin.

Venus Concept’s targeted skin resurfacing treatments can effectively reduce signs of skin damage and improve the appearance of uneven skin texture, no matter how fair or dark your skin tone. With just a couple of quick sessions, you’ll notice a naturally smoother, more radiant, and healthier-looking complexion that lasts

Skin Resurfacing Features:

Technology that is safe for all skin tones
Low downtime
Quick treatment sessions last only 15-30 minutes

Look and feel your best

You Owe Yourself This Moment

Smoother Skin

Venus Viva™

Venus Viva™ Resurfacing laser

How it Works

Venus Viva™ skin resurfacing treatments work with tiny pins that safely deliver heat (via NanoFractional Radio Frequency) through the skin’s surface. This creates tiny micro-dermal wounds, which the body naturally heals on its own. This process repairs signs of skin damage visible on the surface of the skin. Since the wounds are so small, the treatment is much more comfortable than traditional CO2 lasers, while still producing incredibly visible results.

Your treatment provider may also enhance your treatment plan with the DiamondPolar™ applicator, which works to further diminish lines and wrinkles. The DiamondPolar™ applicator uses Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields to produce uniform heat under the skin’s surface. This process helps to naturally increase collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in smoother, firmer skin that looks noticeably more youthful.

Get brighter skin without the downtime! Venus Viva™ is a non-surgical solution for skin resurfacing that corrects signs of skin damage and improves the appearance of acne scars and other scars, stretch marks, rosacea, enlarged pores, deep wrinkles, and uneven skin texture and pigmentation. Learn why Venus Viva™ is right for you!


Smoother Skin without the Downtime

When it comes to skin resurfacing, CO2 lasers used to be the frontrunner, but these procedures also came with a lot of pain and downtime that could last several weeks, if not longer (since they essentially remove the top layer of your skin). Venus Viva™ skin resurfacing treatments, on the other hand, deliver the same results, just with significantly less pain and much lower downtime. And unlike lasers, which only work for fair complexions, Venus Viva™ treatments are safe for all skin tones. You’ll also notice much better results than with superficial treatments like chemical peels and microdermabrasion.

We have a wide range of chemical peels for all different skin types and concerns . Your aesthetician will be able to choose the right chemical peel for your skin type only at Healthy Skin 4 You.  

Safe for all skin tones

Unlike most other skin resurfacing treatments that are not safe for darker skin tones, Venus Viva™ is safe for all ethnicities, even for darker complexions.

Low to no downtime

Return to your daily skin care routine 24 hours after skin resurfacing treatments. No downtime at all for wrinkle reduction treatments.


The Power of Light

IPL Rejuvination

IPL Acne treatments

Devices using IPL, or intense pulsed light, can be used for acne reduction. Venus Concept’s Venus Versa™ acne treatments use dual lights that work to heal existing acne-related inflammation, while also destroying acne-causing bacteria to minimize future breakouts.

IPL Photofacial

Venus Concept’s photofacial treatments are powered by Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to safely and effectively fade common signs of premature aging, including sun spots, discoloration, and visible veins. IPL technology sends precise light through several layers of skin.

Hair you deserve

Hair Restoration & Treatment

Male Hair Loss

Male hair loss is more common than people think. Get to know the facts about the condition that impacts over 50 million men worldwide and how you can get help by finding a solution that’s right for you.

Hair Restoration Treatments for Men

Microneedling with synthetic PRP is ideally suited to address male hair loss, whether the hairline is thinning or receding. Powered by advanced extraction and implantation technology, the procedures work by using your own healthy hair follicles to achieve a fuller, natural-looking hairline


  • Minimally invasive (no scalpels, stitches, or staples)
  • Natural-looking results with no visible linear scar
  • Minimal downtime and fast recovery
balding man

Female Hairloss

You’re not alone—it’s estimated that a third of women will experience hair loss at some point in their life. Learn more about the causes of female hair loss and how you can get help with a solution that will restore fuller, healthier hair.

Hair Loss Solutions

People often assume that hair restoration procedures are only for men; however, these procedures can also be a suitable solution for women looking to restore their own natural hair. The current gold standard is the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method, where the treatment provider extracts individual hair follicles from the back or sides of the head using a specialized device and then implants them in the area where more hair growth is desired. Unlike traditional hair transplant procedures that involve surgically removing a strip from the back of the patient’s scalp, FUE procedures are minimally invasive, enable a faster recovery process, and leave no linear scarring.

Hair Restoration Treatments for Women

Microneedling with synthetic PRP are ideally suited to address female hair loss. Powered by advanced extraction and implantation technology, the procedures work by relocating your own healthy hair follicles to achieve a fuller, natural-looking hairline.


  • Minimally invasive (no scalpels, stitches, or staples required)
  • Natural-looking results with no visible linear scar
  • Minimal downtime and fast recovery
Revitalize Your Skin

Plasma Pen™


Healthy Skin 4 YouThe Plasma Pen™ from Louise Walsh International is a state-of-the-art skin rejuvenation treatment that lifts, tightens, and revitalizes your skin through a unique process called fibroblast therapy.

At Healthy Skin 4 You! our Medical Aesthetician, uses the Plasma Pen to renew your skin, turning back the clock in just one treatment session. If you want young skin but don’t want surgery, the Plasma Pen might be perfect for you. Call the office for a FREE consult at 928-776-7546 (SKIN)

What is the Plasma Pen?

The Plasma Pen is a non-invasive and painless solution for wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging. The highly-trained specialists at Healthy Skin 4 You perform Plasma Pen treatments in the office, and there’s no downtime necessary.


How many Plasma Pen treatments do I need?

Most patients enjoy impressive results with one treatment. If you want additional tightening and firming, you can schedule an extra session after seeing your initial results. The Healthy Skin 4 You team can discuss your specific needs with you to help you decide on a treatment plan.

Want young skin fast? Call Healthy Skin 4 You and schedule a FREE consultation with our Medical Aesthetician at 928- 776-7546 (SKIN)

Individual results may vary.

How does Plasma Pen treatment work?

The Healthy Skin 4 You team applies a numbing cream to keep you comfortable. The Plasma Pen device generates energy and ionizes the gas in the air to create a plasma stream. The plasma stream shoots out of the pen, going just above your skin to transmit the energy into your epidermal and dermal layers.

Plasma Pen treatment focuses on the fibroblasts, the cells that synthesize collagen, so the treatment is sometimes called fibroblasting. This controlled microtrauma causes the new collagen growth needed for skin support, fine-line smoothing, and other skin improvements

What areas does the Plasma Pen treat?

The Plasma Pen treats all the areas in your face that can betray passing years, including:

  • Upper eyelids
  • Under eyes (tear troughs)
  • Nasolabial folds (smile lines) around your nose and mouth
  • Jaw 
  • Corner-of-mouth drooping (marionette lines)

The Plasma Pen can also be effective in various parts of the body. It’s an excellent solution for stretch marks and loose skin nearly anywhere, including your abdomen, upper arms, hips, and other areas. 

What can I expect following Plasma Pen treatment?

After your Plasma Pen treatment at Healthy Skin 4 You, you can expect tiny scabs to develop and then fall off over the next several days. You should avoid sun exposure during this time. After a few days, you can lightly apply makeup if you wish. 

As the scabs fall off, you’ll see tighter, more youthful, and fresher skin. After about a month, you’ll notice even better results because new collagen starts to fill in lines around that time. Collagen production can continue for up to three months. 

Your Best Skin


What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a recently embraced procedure here in the United States. Skin needling, also called Micro-Needling, has been a standard procedure in Europe for decades. Advances over the years led to the development of automated microneedling. Although not as quickly or definitively effective as lasers, this simple mechanical device based on fine needle penetration can also deliver some of the same benefits of the laser at a more affordable price point.

How does it work?

The premise is simple – create a small wound and the skin will respond with collagen production and new skin cells. Depending on the depth of the needle penetration, Microneedling can offer skin rejuvenation levels from the simple enhancement of product absorption to the clinical treatment of scars and wrinkles.

What can the microneedilng be used for?

Microneedling allows us to quickly treat specific skin areas – large or small
• Lip wrinkles
• Skin Texture on the neck
• Skin Texture / Tone
• Acne Scarring/Trauma Scarring
• Pore appearance
• Melasma & Pigmentation
• Increase product absorption
• Textural improvements to chest
• Superficial facial wrinkles
• Stretch Marks

Treatment on the face is the primary location, but skin needling can successfully be used on any area of the body.

What about downtime?

Day 1: Erythema and red appearance and severity will depend upon how aggressive the treatment was performed.
Day 2: A red hue or pink hue persists like a moderate sunburn. Swelling may be more noticeable on the second day.
Day 3: A little pink, swelling subsides.
Call today for a FREE consultation with our Licensed Medical Aesthetician at 928-776-7546 (SKIN)

Fast Results

Botox & Juvederm


Botox Cosmetic is an injectable wrinkle muscle relaxer. It uses botulinum toxin type A, specifically Onabotulinumtoxin A, to temporarily paralyze muscle. This reduces the appearance of facial wrinkles.

A Botox treatment is minimally invasive. It’s considered a safe, effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. It can also be used on the forehead between the eyes.

It’s a quick 10-minute treatment with minimal downtime. You may begin to notice results within 24 to 48 hours, with results lasting up to 4 months for moderate to severe frown lines.

Botox was originally FDA approved in 1989 for the treatment of blepharospasm and other eye muscle problems. In 2002, the FDA approved the use of Botox for cosmetic treatment for moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. It was approved by the FDA for the treatment of wrinkles around the corners of the eyes (crow’s feet) in 2013.

According to a 2016 clinical study, Botox is a simple, safe, and effective treatment for the reduction of forehead wrinkles.

In 2016, over 4.5 million procedures were performed using Botox and similar medication to fight wrinkles. This type of procedure is the number one non-surgical cosmetic procedure in the United States.

Offering both Physician and RN appointments to reduce moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead lines and helping you look your best.


Juvederm Injectable Gel is so smooth and natural, everyone will notice (but no one will know).

As we age, our skin changes. Over time, the natural volume of youthful skin begins to diminish as wrinkles and folds form. But, with Juvéderm™ injectable gel, you don’t have to just sit back and let it happen!
What can Juvederm™ injectable gel do?

Juvederm™ injectable gel replaces the hyaluronic acid (HA) your skin has lost, bringing back its volume and smoothing away facial wrinkles and folds.

Juvederm Injectable GelA breakthrough in HA dermal fillers, JUVEDERM™ is the first smooth-consistency HA gel and the only HA filler that’s FDA approved to last up to a year! Juvéderm™ is a smooth consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps to add volume and hydration.

Your healthcare professional eases Juvéderm™ injectable gel under the skin to instantly restore your skin’s volume and smooth away facial wrinkles and folds, like your “smile lines” or “parentheses” (nasolabial folds the creases that run from the bottom of your nose to the corners of your mouth).

Juvéderm™ provides a smooth, natural look and feel so everyone will notice (but no one will know)! In fact, studies show superior results of Juvéderm™ compared to a collagen-based dermal filler.

Visit us at The Heart Shop for a free evaluation. The Heart Shop has been offering Botox Treatments since 2009.

Offering both Physician and RN appointments to reduce moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead lines and helping you look your best.

What is Juvéderm Vollure™ XC??

Vollure is the first and Only Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Dermal Filler FDA Approved for the correction of moderate to severe wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds.

JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC was first approved in Europe as JUVÉDERM VOLIFT® in 2013. As with the new Voluma and Volbella, this is also formulated with Allergan’s proprietary VYCROSS® technology, which blends different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid, contributing to the gel’s duration of 18 months, the longest lasting filler FDA approved for the nasolabial folds (smile lines).


Juvederm Volbella is a hyaluronic acid dermal filler, specifically formulated for the delicate skin covering the lips. Volbella is a thinner, more pliable substance compared to other facial fillers, providing a smooth, natural effect. Volbella adds volume and plumpness to the lips, while smoothing fine lines around the mouth as well. This filler is rapidly gaining popularity over other lip fillers, especially since Volbella contains lidocaine which reduces swelling at the injection sites and makes the procedure much more comfortable.

UltraPlus XC:

FDA-approved Juvederm Ultra Plus XC dermal filler is used to smooth out facial lines and restore youthful volume that can diminish due to aging. The makers of Botox offer Juvederm Ultra Plus XC as just one of many Juvederm fillers that can be used to rejuvenate and refresh the facial appearance.

Ultra XC:

Juvéderm Ultra XC contains HA and water. When HA is combined with water, it turns into a gel-like material that creates volume. As this combination is injected into your skin, it helps volumize the tissues. Any wrinkles are “filled in,” leaving a smoother appearance.


Juvéderm Voluma XC is typically used for restoring cheek or mid face volume loss and also to help restore a more youthful curve and position to the higher area of cheekbones in women (not men).

We Offer

Additional Services


An effective way of exfoliating for sensitive or normal skin. While removing fine hairs this procedure assists the absorption of the product leaving your skin silky smooth – improvements are immediate.

Eyelash & Eyebrow Tint

Eyelash and eyebrow tinting is a completely painless process that involves adding color and shape to the eye area. These tinting methods only take about an hour of your time and the results can last up to three to four weeks. During your eyelash and eyebrow tinting service, a professional will aid you in choosing the perfect colors to best accent your hair, eyes, and face. All you have to worry about is relaxing during the simple procedure.

This will benefit those who want to emphasize their eyes and lashes, are allergic to mascara, or have other issues with using makeup products will find the procedure beneficial. Eyelash tinting allows people to have the eyelashes they want without having to bother with mascara.

Full Body Wax

Waxing reduces hair growth when performed at every four to five weeks. While shaving crops the hair at the skin’s surface, waxing pulls it out by the root, so it grows back softer, finer, and thinner. Waxing is great for those who are tired of the hassle of shaving several times per week.

All about our wax: 

Black Film Hard Wax Beads contain a hybrid formula that is both crystalline and creamy. These black hard wax beads have the perfect number of polymers to hug even the tiniest baby hairs and snatch thick-coarse hairs from the root. This hard-working black hard wax opens pores and is ideal for all genders. It lays over any skin type without sticking to it as other waxing mediums do. Your black hard wax beans meltdown quickly and evenly and have a quick cool-down time that freeze-frames over hair for a cohesive pull that gets them all the first time.

Hair Removal

Unwelcome hair growth can be embarrassing for everyone. And although there are plenty of hair removal options, they aren’t always worth it. Shaving and depilatory creams might be a quick fix, but they only get rid of the hair at the surface—not to mention the risk of nicks and adverse skin reactions. Waxing and plucking may deliver longer-lasting results, but treatments are painful and time-consuming. Where does that leave you?

Venus Concept is transforming hair removal by using advanced technology to permanently reduce unwanted hair on the face and body. You can finally enjoy smooth, hair-free skin with results that last longer than traditional methods

Venus Concept’s hair removal treatments work with advanced technology that targets and destroys the follicle under the skin’s surface*. Over time, this significantly reduces hair growth, with results that last longer than shaving, waxing, plucking, or depilatory creams.


  • Safe for use on the face and body
  • No downtime
  • Comfortable treatment experience

Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash Extensions are used to enhance the Length and or Volume of your lash line. They are applied classically 1:1 or if you’d like to achieve more volume they are applied in hand-made fans of 3D-6D or more. Your set can be Classic, Volume, or a combination of both called Hybrid.
Eyelash Extensions Full Set any look. A full set takes between 1.5-2hrs. 2 – 3 week fill coming in every 2 – 3 weeks to gently remove the outgrown extensions and back fIll new growth will keep your lashes looking full. Recommended for average lash growth.

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion treatments use a minimally abrasive instrument to gently sand your skin, removing the thicker, uneven outer layer.

This type of skin rejuvenation is used to treat light scarring, discoloration, sun damage and stretch marks.

What microdermabrasion can do:

  • Improve age spots and blackheads
  • Improve hyperpigmentation (patches of darkened skin)
  • Exfoliate your skin, resulting in a refreshed appearance
  • Lessen the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce or eliminate enlarged pores
  • Treat acne and the scars left by acne

Microdermabrasion helps to thicken your collagen, which results in a younger-looking complexion. Collagen is a protein in your skin that’s abundant when you’re a child and makes skin appear taut and smooth. Collagen production declines as we age, resulting in looser, uneven skin.

Call for a FREE consult with our Medical Aesthetician to bring back a younger-looking complexion.

About Us

Our experts can help you with any of your beauty and health goals

Open Hours

Mon-Thu: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PMFri-Sun: Closed


225 Grove Ave, Suite A, Prescott86301Email: healthyskin@theheartshopaz.comTelephone: +1(928) 708-9355
Dr. Douglas Rothrock

Douglas Rothtock, M.D.. FABIM, FACC, FABOM

Samantha Salazar, Medical Aesthetician

Tamara Turner

Tamera Turner,  Cosmetologist/Laser Technician


Victoria Ray, Certified Dermatician & Micro Derma Pigmentation Expert 

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